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Request a Quote

Please fill out the form below to request a quote and we will be in touch!

    What kind of event are you planning?*

    What is/are the date(s) of your event?*

    What is the proposed location for your event?*

    How many delegates are expected to attend your event?*

    What services are required to support your event? (Please select all that apply)

    Budget managementContractingPlanningSourcingOn-site managementPost-event follow upOther
    [group group-services-other]

    If other, please describe the service you are requesting. (required)


    What is the budget for your event?*

    Sleeping Rooms

    Are hotel sleeping rooms needed for your event?


    If so, how many sleeping rooms per night are required?

    Will multiple hotels be required for your event?


    If so, how many hotels are required?

    Will a housing service be used?


    Will the delegates book their own sleeping rooms?


    Event Venue

    Will meeting space need to be reserved for your event?


    If so, how much meeting space is required per day?

    Will your event utilize multiple venues?

    Are site inspections of the venue(s) required?


    Food and Beverage

    Do you need food and beverage services for your event?


    If so, which meals will you provide for delegates? (Please select all that apply)

    BreakfastLunchDinnerA.M. BreakP.M. BreakCocktail receptionGala dinnerOther
    [group food-other]

    If other, please describe the the type of food/beverage service you are requesting.*


    Audio Visual

    Is audio/visual support required for your event?


    If so, please describe the audio/visual requirements for your event

    Internet Service

    Is internet service required for your event?


    If so, please indicated your internet set up


    Do delegates arrange their own travel to and from the event?


    If not, please indicate what type of transportation is required.

    Is transportation required to transport delegates between the hotels and the venue?


    Is transportation required to transport delegates to offsite events?


    Translation Services

    Are translation services required for your event?


    If so, please indicate which languages will be supported at your event

    If so, please indicate if translation services will be used


    Will your event include activities for your delegates?


    If so, please describe what activities you would like to provide for your delegates


    Who will develop the program for your event?

    Who will coordinate and manage speakers for your event?

    Who will identify, interview, select, contract for, coordinate and manage speakers for your event?

    Primary Point of Contact

    Who will act as the Primary Point of Contact for your event?

    Please provide email for the Primary Point of Contact

    Please provide a phone number for the Primary Point of Contact

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